Monday, September 1, 2014

Wish me luck.

I am a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) teacher at Laura Jeffrey Academy, a small, girl-focused public charter in St. Paul, Minnesota.

And I'm writing a blog.

I don't really think I'm the blogging type. Routine is not my middle name, and I already spend more time in front of a computer than I'd really like.

I want to blog because I am a giant fan of Dan Meyer, and whenever I feel down, I visit his blog to perk me up. What I like so much about his blog is that you can see real evidence of growth from a pretty-darn-good teacher, to an inspiration. It seems evident that the way he reflected publicly pushed him in that direction.

So, I'm blogging because, someday, I would like to be a phenomenal science teacher, and maybe, just maybe, blogging can help me reach that goal.